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Rhythmic motion for gradual, pain-free healing.
This series of videos classes on this modality only. helps to guide you through the principles of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®. In here you will be exposed to a variety of sessions that break down the work in a way to increase your body awareness to achieve a stronger more dynamic body.
These classes are meant for those of you who have been practicing with me or have continued your teacher education with me in the past. They provide helpful cues that you have heard time and time again. To practice these you will want to be sure that you have the ability to practice in a studio that has the proper equipment.
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upper body strength & mobility
Balance your upper body with mobility and strength. Breathe with intention to create space.

108 breathing
Explore your shoulder girdle through this series that incorporate your breath and movement down to the tips of your fingers.

LEU intro
A basic class using the Leg Extension Unit. This class focuses on breath and its intention through a variety of movement patterns. You will also find modifications and heavy cueing to be sure that your body is organized throughout.

Archway intro
Practice the beginning exercises on this exciting piece of equipment. Take your time. Repeat it and enjoy the strength from within.

GYROTONER® balance
Find balance in your body using the GYROTONER®. This video explores different settings and guides you through how to manuever the machine to create your perfect set up.

JSB yawning
This is an introduction to many of the things that the Jumping Stretching Board can do. It is a great place to start and has a simple set up to ensure you get a balanced session.

GYROKINESIS® Cervical Series
Explore the restrictions in your cervical spine and create freedom from the simplest of movements.

GYROKINESIS® spinal motions intro
Explore the basic spinal motions of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® with this short video. Learn the benefit of creating intention with breath.
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