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Classes that guide you through all stages of pregnancy.
PreNatal & PostNatal
Everyone has their own journey through childbirth. I have had the pleasure of working with a number of women as they try to become pregnant, learn to move with their growing bodies throughout, prepare for birth, and recover through breath work directly after delivery and in the studio after medical clearance.
This video series is full of short little videos that help you feel good through all stages of your pregnancy, including delivery and postpartum.
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proprioception & pelvic floor strength
Use a ball to fine the bony points of your pelvic girdle. While engaging and relaxing your body will receive feedback from the ball.

playsma release
Learn how to self massage the platysma

scm release
Learn how to self massage the SCM

lateral cervical mobility
Breathe into a ball and find the space you never knew you had. Then explore more while moving through and exploring the benefits of breath and intention.

shoulder & thoracic mobility
Explore your mobility while tapping into the ribs and thoracic spine with simple arms movements.

spinal proprioception
Finding where you are in space at eh beginning of your pregnancy is key. Find awareness through the use of a foam roller as I guide you through a handful of "wiggles".

posterior leg line activation
Access the back line of your legs while learning how to release the hip flexors to create space and anchor your sit bones to become more grounded.

pelvic floor in 1...2...3
Learn three basic progressions to recruit your pelvic floor muscles properly and increase strength and endurance.
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